Text Marketing Will Catapult Your BusinessUp!
There are more mobile phones in use in the US than Televisions and personal computers combined. Over 5 Billion mobile subscriptions are on record!At a minimum, almost everyone has a cell phone with texting capability. If you observe the public in general, especially in metropolitan areas, people are always on their mobile devices.Virtually every American has a phone on-hand all of the time, meaning the advertising tool is in the pocket or purse of nearly every customer and potential customer.
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Mobile usage has exploded over the past few years and it is not expected to slow down any time soon. In fact, it's expected to continue to grow at astonishing rates over the next several years. We live in a new digital information age with improved communication methods that put you in immediate contact with your audience. One of them, Text Message marketing, has quickly emerged as a great leverage for small, localized businesses.
I am a HUGE fan of social media, however, If used properly, text message marketing is a technology more powerful than Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare combined. The key is to know how to use it properly in an individual situation. To run an SMS campaign properly, it takes a mix of experience, creativity, and knowledge.
SMS marketing is the next stage of marketing for most companies. If you are doing other forms of marketing and not mobile, then you are missing on lots of traffic, sales and revenue. Remember that nothing else compares to text message marketing.
Email has less than a 20% open rate, Foursquare is only used by 4% of the US Population, and Tweets are read by less than 1% of followers. Text messages on the other hand, have a 95% open rate in 4 minutes. Most people have their mobile phones on them at all times. Mobile goes where your customers go, and you want to be where your customers are, so go mobile today and reap the benefits of SMS marketing.
Text Message marketing can provide small businesses with a special kind of billboard that will not cost them a fortune to use. One key point to remember is that a customer "opts in" to receive your messages. It is crucial that when using this service to reach out to your base, that you don't overwhelm them with too many texts. This will absolutely turn people off and kill your campaign.
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Invaluable Sources
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Posted in Media/News Post Date 07/12/2017